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Hi, we're JH206. We are a homogeneous bunch of people, though we're still quite unique in our own way. We're the best class, really, though no one else will admit that fact. When you visit us, don't forget to bask in all our super-awesomeness, because you might never get another chance.

01/Chelsea Mun Jie Yi (Chel)
02/Fong Yih Ting
03/Hedyla Yap Zhenyi (Hedy)
04/Hee Wei Jean, Jolene
05/Janice low Earn Qing (Jan)
06/Koh Xiao Jie Felicia (Flea)
07/Lee Xin-Jing, Shannon
08/Lim Huizhen
09/Lim Zi Qian Jamie
10/Melody Tan
11/Oo Jia Xian, Jacqueline
12/Rehana Parveen
13/Sarah Tong Ren Xuan
14/Sheryl Teng Swee Sim
15/Sumithri Rekha V (Sumi)
16/Teo Jin Sien, Vanessa (Nessa)
17/Yeo Ines
18/Goh Tien Li, Zachary
19/Lim Mingyi
20/Michael Lee Dao Kang
21/Ng Kai Wei Wilson
22/Ng Yii Shwen Kyle Asher
23/Yom Bo Sung (Benedict)
24/Yu Kin Ming

• March 2010
• April 2010
• May 2010
• June 2010
• July 2010
• November 2010

• Chelsea
• Felicia
• Jacqueline
• Sheryl
• Sumithri
• Vanessa

Layout © N E S S A
Inspired by Happy Monsters
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April Fools?
Thursday, April 1, 2010 8:17 PM

Hey 06,

I know that most of you are probably quite buay song with Ms Whatever-her-name-is right now (and thinking that she probably has a PhD in Mental Instability), but I think that, for Ms Zhuang's sake, we should write her an apology letter or something. After all, Ms Zhuang has been an AWESOME PM. I just don't think its right for Ms Zhuang to have to answer for our actions all the time (and she has been doing that lately), so we should just do as she says and make Ms WHNI happy. At least we don't have to do it individually and those who wish to swear as they write it can go ahead and do so (see this video). The overall decision will still be left to Janice and Sarah to decide, but this is a suggestion.

It's ohkay if she's determined on ruining our April Fools day. Just like Guak says, we can always have another one! So don't get too upset (understatement), 'kays?

06 FTW! ♥
